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    Important role of Management in Hospitality Industry-Imperial Hotel

    University: Monash University, Melbourne

    • Unit No: 10
    • Level: Post Graduate/University
    • Pages: 13 / Words 3308
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: QAB020C414
    • Downloads: 1305


    Management plays an important role in the hospitality industry. The present report mainly focuses on management system of Imperial Hotel. Company has problem related to front of house staff that includes reception, conference and banqueting. Further, it has a poor team management and inefficient use of IT system and the listed hotel's entire management staff is not working as per the requirements. Study will help to take a review of management theory to the problem by understanding all processes and procedures to run hotel in an effective way. The report presents different problems faced by hotel and gives proper justification of every difficulty in order to promote an effective management system.

    1) Review of management theory

    As in above case, Imperial Hotel faces many problem related to front of house staff and poor management system. Currently it is not uses any management system so it is quite necessary for a hotel to implement Micros fidelio reservation and property management system into the working area. Imperial Hotel should use Micros Fidelio Reservation system in order to provide up to date information related to customers. This system is applied mainly in hotels and restaurant because it is the best solution which helps to manage large and complex operational requirement related to hotels. Micros fidelio reservation is a system which records complete working performance entire system into one single software and it is so simple to use and operate (Bedeian, 2018). By using this system, management team of a company faces less problems and it takes less time in a case of check in and out. That is the reason; most of the hotels prefer to use this system and if company uses, it will be helpful to make large reports and it also provides high security as compared to other system. Micro Fidelio also helps to improve the method of back office, telephone management scheme, door locking, etc.

    As the hotel faces problem related to poor team building, so by using Tuckman management theory, Imperial hotel can build strong group development. As a result it further help to face up new challenges and deliver better results for future plans. The theory is based upon 4 stages which are mentioned as below:

    Forming: It is the first stage in which a team of hotel can meet and learn opportunities and challenges as well as members of team behave in an independent manner so that they become more oriented to their tasks. This stage also helps staff of a hotel to minimize the risk of conflicts in a team. By using this stage, it will help to reducing conflicts among them which further help to attain all defined goals of a company. Under this stage, meeting environment also plays an role such that all the major task functions should be concern with orientation.

    Storming: It is the second stage in which team members start sorting out things in order to gain each other’s trust. This stage helps team members to work in different styles in order to reduce the conflicts in between them. Using this stage into Imperial hotel, it helps to create positive and polite environment in which workers of hotel has different feelings of excitement, fear or anxiety. As the stage help to resolve personality clash that further lead a team towards a progress.

    Norming: Under this stage, decisions are taken as well as roles and responsibilities are divided among members in order to attain all defined goals of a company. By this way, leaders and members gain respect in between them. After storming, workers of Imperial Hotel who work in a team are quite aware related to competition and they also share common goals and work for the welfare of a company as a team.

    Performing: It is the last stage in which teams are more strategically aware in order to identify company's vision and mission and they keep focusing to achieve goals. All the members of a hotel are now autonomous, delegated and accept any changes as well as they react to various changing circumstances and even reach to unexpectedly high level of success as they are quite motivated and knowledgeable.

    Using Tuckman's theory of management, Imperial Hotel can easily convert their poor team working into strong squad where all group members can easily go through to attain proper goals and objective of a hotel.

    Another management theory of Imperial Hotel is Property management system i.e. PMS. It is also the best suited for hotel because it is a platform that helps hotel to manage all departments such as reservation, check in-out of guests, room assignment, at the time of billing, managing room tariff, etc. This system helps to create a positive impact on guest's experience which includes food and beverages, maintenance of building, revenue management, etc. Advantages of using PMS system in working area are mentioned as below:

    • This system helps to provide anytime and anywhere services to the guest by using mobile based hotel PMS (Turner, 2014).
    • PMS also increases efficiency of housekeeping as they will be alert with instant updates on housekeeping mobile devices.
    • This also helps to manage room maintenance needs and clean all suite in perfect condition.
    • Using PMS into Imperial Hotel helps to set the room tariff and advanced rate management for their customers.
    • This system helps to secure all personal data and improve the quality and accuracy of customers profile in hotel (Hill, 2017).

    On the other side, this system has many drawbacks such as:

    • It takes a lot of time to train staff how to use PMS in the working area.
    • The system is too difficult to understand and it is too expensive to use that is why company did not prefer to use such type of group.

    Both these systems help Imperial Hotel to run effectively and convert poor management system into the best. Both these are directly linked with the latest technologies and so, it is necessary to improve all systems.

    2) Problems faced by Imperial Hotel and presenting solutions

    Imperial Hotel has poor management system. Currently, hotel is not in a situation to offer the best services to their customers. There are various types of problems faced by a hotel such as it has poor front office staff that includes reception, conference and banqueting, restaurant and bars. Even departments of hotel have conflicts because of not providing proper and accurate information about customers. Housekeeping staff of hotel is not responding well to their customers. They present their rooms in a wrong and out dated manner which creates a negative image on the minds of customers (Rijamampianina and Carmichael, 2018). Customers feel uncomfortable in the premises because the way receptionist handles them is over rude . Conference and banqueting staff complaints so many times about not giving proper and accurate number of guests coming in the meeting. There is a lack of communication because reception has failed to provide information regarding cleaning of room when a guest leaves.

    Hotel is not using proper IT system and due to this, guests are not feeling comfortable in the premises (Hislop, Bosua and Helms, 2018). Only three staffs are working there which create a lot of burden on them and as a result, rooms or bathrooms are not properly cleaned on time. Due to shortage of housekeeping staff, they take too much time to clean each room and as a result, guests have to wait for a long time to get their room keys. As per the feedback coming from people, Imperial Hotel is consider the most poorly upkeeping hotel which uses old furniture which creates a bad impact upon customers. Complete management team and all the departments of hotel are not giving proper response related to customer issue and as a result, guests are not preferred to stay there for a long time (Hill, 2017).

    All the above mention points clearly states that the hotel faces poor management system which creates negative image in market. These problems lead to loss in profit and gives wrong impact upon customers. So, there is the need to resolve all issues for an effective management system in hotel. There are various procedures and recommendations which help to solve the problem of Imperial hoteland to attract more number of customers.

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    Effectiveness solution of problems:

    Imperial hotel faces problem related to poor management system of IT and to resolve this, Peter Fransworth provides different suggestions in order to resolve them and these are mentioned as below:

    • Proper training into IT system: Proper training programs must be provided for employees such that using of latest IT system into work area and it is consider most important aspect to run a hotel in an effective way. While doing check in and check out process, Imperial hotel should use the latest software in order to save time of customers as well as staff. By providing training related to IT system, employees of a company will definitely improve their efficiencies. Using the latest technologies into work area will help to keep records for so long and at the time of billing, they should use electronic services in order to save time and fast calculation. The latest and effective hotel management software will help to provide fast and easy access on different operations (Turner, 2014).
    • Cross team building exercise: A cross building exercise will help a hotel to work in an effective way. Such that if different team are build then it helps to increases the chances of attaining all defined goals and accomplish work in short time. So, it is quite necessary for a hotel to keep cross-team building excercise.
    • Review of team bonus scheme: It is the simplest method which can be used by hotel in order to improve company's overall performance. Bonus scheme mainly focuses on employee's efforts such as customer’s service, quality of products offered and if cross teams are made, then there should be bonus scheme design which will help to keep worker's efficiency enhanced and reward or bonus must be given on the basis of work performance.
    • Improving the quality of products or service: It is necessary to satisfy all customers by providing good and improved quality of products and services to the customers. For Imperial hotel, it is necessary to satisfy guests and must handle them with proper response. There is a need to open reception for 24 hours so that customers will not face any problem related to staying (Things should be in a Hotel,2018). It is the duty of receptionist and other departments of hotel to have a important customer facing role in offering services and support to guests.
    • Increase number of staff: It is another important aspect that should be considered for effective management. Currently, there are only three working staffs and so, it should be increased up to eight and management team should allot proper duty hours i.e. 8 hours shifts. Whenever the shift changes, whole information should be passed related to customers or guests to change person so that there will be no mis-communication.
    • Being Responsive: Receptionist and whole staff should be properly responsive because it manages the reputation of hotel. Proper training should be given in order to handle customers and provide them better assistance (Laudon and Laudon, 2016).
    • Taking feedback using social sites: There is the need to know about hotel& reputation in market and it can be done by using social sites. This site helps to know whether the guests are happy with services provided by them and by reading those reviews with trying to improve same in the work area or not.
    • Hire supervisor and training: Hiring a supervisor is another option to keep monitoring of whole staff. If the staff is not doing their work, supervisors should help them and try to solve their problem. There should be proper training sessions in order to let them understand how to treat guests and what should be added in their attitude in order to make staff responsive and accurate (Fayol, 2016).
    • Advancement in facility: Imperial hotel is not using the latest technologies in their premises. The hotel must provide free Wi-Fi service to their guests and if any guest needs to clean their room twice a day then it is the duty of housekeeping staff to take care of same. Proper response must be given to the guests. If customers are wait in lounge to get their room keys, so it is a duty of receptionist to take care them or responding on time.

    3) Summary and justification of key proposal for the resolution of problem

    Imperial hotel has poor front office staff management system which affects their image in the market. So, it is necessary to solve all the issues related to hotel. Currently, the hotel has only three staff members which take a long time for guests to get room keys. So, it is necessary to increase the staff members and distribute their duties as well as hire a supervisor who monitors their performance (Fayol, 2016). Good and trained manager should be recruited in order to solve all the conflicts of hotel and this will be helpful to create a positive image in market. By using Tuckman's management theory, hotel can improve its team performance which further helps to sort out company's front office problem and poor team working performance. Taking reviews and checking performance level of all the employees will be helpful to know actual position of a company. By using improved use of IT system and also provide training to workers, hotel improves its performance management system. The owner of a hotel have to easily enhance the level of profitability as well as productivity. By taking suggestion from Peter Fransworth such as provide training into IT system and cross building exercise, taking review of team bonus scheme will furtjher assist to improve Hotel's IT system as well as front of house staff such as reception, conference etc. Get Resume writing service by experts writers of Australia.

    By introducing the latest technologies in premises will be helpful to consume time of guests as well as staff. The reception should be open for 24 hours in order to serve their customers and provide them staying facility in their hotel. With the help to training session, communication skills can be improved so that it will be helpful to deal with customers (Ruggiero, Martiskainen and Onkila, 2018). The behavior of whole staff should not be arrogant and inaccurate because it will directly affect customers and as a result, it may cause harm to the image of hotel in market. The records should be maintained in an appropriate way so that it gives accurate and exact report of number of guests arrived in the meeting because other departments such as kitchen, restaurant and conferences are completely based upon reception for guest numbers.

    If Imperial hotel wants to improve their management system, it is quite necessary to follow Tuckman's management theory and to introduce new technologies and offer free Wi-Fi system for customers. Company also takes feedback from the customers face to face or uses social sites which help to tell them what is wrong or right and even by reading all the reviews, company also implements those in their hotel in order to make guests satisfies. The hotel also uses Micros Fidelio reservation and property management system which helps to provide complete or up to date information on real time as well as guest reservations (Hayes, 2018). In context of Imperial Hotel, if above all mentioned systems are applied on working place then it will be beneficial for a company itself to have a positive image in the market.


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    By summing up above report, it has been concluded that management is an important parameter that affects the whole environment of Imperial Hotel. From the above report, it can also be concluded that hotel faces a lot of problems regarding poor management system of front office staff i.e. not using IT system, mis-communication between all the departments. The report also gives a lot of suggestions such as by using Tuckman's management theory, it enhances team working performance, Peter's suggestions related to improved IT system, increases the staff, provides training sessions, hires supervisor, uses the latest technologies into work area. By using all the recommendations, hotel can easily convert viewpoints of customers into positive one.


    In this report, I have chosen a front of house staff and inefficient use of IT system that also includes reservation and property management system of Imperial Hotel. During this project, I found that the hotel find difficulties for applying management theory because of limited evidence of research. While doing this project, I also find that imperial hotel did not even know how to use some IT system into working area and its entire management system is also not doing work as per required by their customers. Because of limited evidence of research, I find that the hotel faces some difficulties in their management system and this is the reason that it did not provide better facilities to their customers. The project has superficial application of management theory and by applying Tuckman's theory into the working place will also aid to manage their entire work accordingly.

    In order to improve above mentioned problem, I start doing more analyzing of problem. By using Peters suggestion which will help a company to overcome from their problem. For example, by providing training to employees related to IT system so that it minimizes their working time and provide better results to their customers. Moreover, I have also found that reviewing bonus scheme to employees of Imperial Hotel will also assist to raise their working efficiency and it affects company's overall working performance. Overall, during this project, I find some difficulties because of having limited research evidence and to sort out this, I uses different management theories and Peters suggestion that will helps to minimizes problem. I can also uses Peters suggestion such as training of IT system which further helps to gain profit . Moreover, I also uses suggest some points to minimizes errors for a company and learn variety of new things which will also help me in my future projects too.


    • Bedeian, A. G., 2018.A standardization of selected management concepts. Routledge.
    • Fayol, H., 2016.General and industrial management. Ravenio Books.
    • Hayes, J., 2018.The theory and practice of change management.
    • Hill, T., 2017.Manufacturing strategy: the strategic management of the manufacturing function. Macmillan International Higher Education.
    • Hislop, D., Bosua, R. and Helms, R., 2018.Knowledge management in organizations: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press.

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